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Schoolyard Aldoende

Schoolyard Aldoende

In the heart of Amsterdam city, at one of the places with highest fine particle air pollution this enclosed paved schoolyard has been turned into a playful green oasis. Together with surrounding neighbours, children and teachers we tackled the diverse challenges: noise, pollution, rainwater inundations, heat stress . The schoolyard now has a playable wadi, a mud kitchen, herbal gardens, a willow island for rainwater buffers, contains urban agriculture, an outdoor class, discovery bushes, a worm hotel and so much more.

ChallengeNo budgets, small chances for subsidy from the municipality.
Rainwater irrigation problems.
ProcessIntergrating the school's educational and orthopedagogical view , the neighbour's wishes and children's needs + dreams, into a vision for a greener schoolyard, applying for subsidy, which the school has got!
ResultTogether with Emma, we designed challenging surrounding bushes, two islands of greenery: one with willow-bushes and one playable wadi with decorative indigenous grasses. Herbal spirals, butterfly islands and greened walls complete this oasis. Planned march 2021.